It's Okay to be Sad

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It’s Okay is a specific category that deals with the overwhelming emotions that can lead to action paralysis. The It’s Okay concept is intended to unlock the doors that hold people back from reaching their potential, by first acknowledging their feelings, unconditionally. These are universal feelings found in every culture, but the internal guilt or social judgements make people feel unsafe to share them.

Each experience allows the individual to safely acknowledge that their emotions are normal, but they are reminded that staying in those thoughts are not healthy. It is recommended that the individual moves from an It’s Okay experience to a Cultivating Mindfulness Experience in order to decompress and be ready to accept new thought concepts and perspectives.

Sadness is one of the four main human emotions. Sadness is valid and useful; it alerts us to how we need to treat ourselves, and also as to how we want to be treated by others. 

This session allows you to forget what your upbringing or culture says and be comfortable in your personal sadness, so that you can explore the full range of your emotions allowing you to be able to respond appropriately to our own needs and those of others. Sadness is a process and by learning awareness skills, you will move past the immediate feelings to the other side. In your time.

From beaches, waterfalls, mountains to forests, choose your own destination and enjoy the feeling of being one with nature