The VRBrain™ is intended to support a healthy mental state. It is not intended to replace medical or professional therapeutic intervention. If you have ongoing feelings of sadness or anger, we recommend speaking to a trusted advisor or seek professional support.


How can VRBrain help you?

VRBrain is an on-demand virtual reality, mental health and wellness app, that helps users find healthy ways to approach present-day challenges, thoughts and behaviors.

The most complicated part of the roll out will be purchasing and licensing the headset.

Our program is turnkey to rollout for any organizational size. Once the user goes into the VRBrain it is self explanatory. We have users up to the age of 85 use our product with no trouble.

During our launch phase which is from Jan 4th to Feb 15th the lag time will be 6 weeks which is why we are offering 65% off the total cost. Thereafter the lag time will be as long as it takes you to purchase a headset.

Yes – everything we do is based on years of research.

No! Our goal is support health and wellness and help promote new ways of thinking, it is more of a preventative tool for those struggling with stress, burnout and anxiety.

At this time, VRBRain is only available in English.

No, we don’t gather personal health information and we don’t process any medical information.

The narrations are written by the Co-Founders in collaboration with subject matter specialists and reviewed and edited by our Director of Scientific Research.

Each experience has been carefully crafted and is supported with  years of literary research in psychology and VR.

Every experience comes with a short guided meditation to calm and prepare your brain for learning.

After each meditation you will be transported to captivating nature destinations where we begin the process of reframing situations and emotions so that you can identify negative triggers and work towards a more positive thought processes.

Congratulations on taking this step towards a healthier way of thinking!

All you need to do is make sure that you have a VR Headset and then sign up for our annual or monthly subscription through our website.

Once you have signed up, you will receive a notification asking for your full name and email address, when this is complete you will have instant access to all of our experiences and can start streaming through your headset.

Use And Application

No, VRBrain™ is strictly an app. The current experiences have been developed on the Oculus Quest 2 platform.

Additional platform viewing options  coming soon.

Science has proven that depending on its complexity, a habit can take anywhere from 18- 254 days to become automatic.

However, on average it takes approximately 66 days. The more you practice the habit, or listen to VRBrain™ experience, the greater the impact on the brain.

We recommend listening to an experience at least 3times due to the complexity of the immersive experiences.

With multiple viewing, each experience will reveal new brain training opportunities as the viewer’s real life situations vary, engraining positive thought pathways for long-term change

Although we don't recommend skipping the meditation because it is a way of releasing tension before you brain begins the real work, we do have a fast forward button that you can use to skip the meditations.

Within our Cultivating Mindfulness section you can choose any destination, however because the locations are integral to the specifically themed scripts, in the other categories, those destinations are chosen for you.

Our business clients have the option of trying our demo before purchasing.

Please contact us via email at to make arrangements to view the demo.

1. Adjust straps for comfort and visual clarity.

2. Press power button (right side of headset) for 3 seconds.

3. Ensure controls are in the correct hands.

4. Ensure your pointer fingers are on the triggers.

5. Create your guardian/ boundary using your hand controller.

6. Follow prompts

7. .On the black dashboard select the 9-dot square.

8. APPS screen. If VRBrain is not offered scroll down to "unknown sources" on the menu to the right.

9. Select VRBrain and follow prompts.

10. VRBrain controls will appear on your left wrist, as you would read time on your watch. These controls navigate forward/ back, main menu and exit.

11. To close off the unit and save battery, follow prompts to exit and then press the power button on the side of the headset. Select Power Off.

12. Return unit to box when not in use. It is a tight fit for protection.

13. Ensure all units are placed firmly in the correct space to avoid damage to the headset.

VRBrain™ Safety

VR is safe, but like all technology, it should be used in moderation.

There is no scientific evidence to date to indicate immersive virtual reality is dangerous. However, users need to be aware of their own health and personal needs.

While in the VR world in general, some individuals have commented on feeling claustrophobic or motion sensitivity, there have not been concerns with the VRBrain™


The quality of the headset may impact the experience.

We recommend at least a 15-minute break between usage


Side effects that have been noted with immersive virtual reality have included claustrophobia and motion sensitivity.

To date, no specific concerns have been noted with the VRBrain™, however headphone quality can impact the experience.

TheBrain™experiences are designed as 10 to 15-minute sessions and can be viewed several times a day, as personal time permits and is tolerated. There are currently no definitive recommendations for durations, and we defer you to the user guide of your headset manufacturer. Although extensive research has been attained regarding VR, there is no evidence to date to suggest it is harmful. However,many of the headset manufacturers recommend a rest period of 15 minute after 30minutes of viewing.

The VRBrain™ is not a replacement for medical treatment of professional therapy, it is intended to stimulate neurological pathways that support positive thought processes.

Always check with your health care provider if you have any questions regarding your treatment.


Operations And Equipment

You will need Wi-Fi to download or stream the experiences but you can also download your favorites onto your headset giving you access to them when you don't have WiFi.

. Limitations as to how many experiences can be downloaded will be determined by the headset and its storage capacity.

Yes, depending on the headset of choice and its storage capacity, you can download your favorite experiences on your headset and take them wherever you go.


Can VRBrain really help me?

Neuroplasticity, also referred to as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, is the brain’s ability to change.

When we experience or learn something new, the neurons begin to fire, and this leads to the creation of new neurological pathways- in essence the re-wiring of our brains.

Science has proven that immersive virtual reality increases these neurological paths and have been used in various medical studies including rehabilitation, pain management, psychological conditions, engagement of executive thinking.

Regarding the brain’s ability to change, the old adage “practice makes perfect” or “use it or lose it,” has been updated to, “neurons that fire together, wire together.”

Incorporating the VRBrain™ into your life can help reduce stress, identify challenges with achieving goals and maintaining productivity, develop resiliency to set-backs, cope with complicated relationships, deal with grief, increase your leadership potential and assist in many other common life challenges.


The VRBrain™ is a unique immersive 360 experience that includes music, nature, guided meditation as well as cognitive behavioral therapy scripts that move the user through a guided process that extends beyond relaxation to engage in the executive thought process in the brain.

They are called experiences because they are exactly that-experiences; taking the user beyond relaxation to support the development of new positive thought pathways. 

Each experience varies between10 and 15 minutes.

They are designed to be easily integrated into a day and can be viewed several times, as a lot of valuable information is included in each session.

Good habits are positive behaviors that come with work. Like going to the gym, studying or working towards a promotion, positive habits come with consistency and commitment.

The VRBrain™ will be an essential tool etching positive thought pathways to help you achieve your life goals. Consistency deepens these pathways and  is key to long-term effects..

Managing Your Subscription

The VRBrain™ is offered on a per subscription basis. Volume discounts are applied to the subscription platform. Each annual subscription is offered at a monthly or cost-savings, rate.

Each subscription equates to less than$1.00 per day and offers a comprehensive library of experiences with new material provided regularly. All within the world’s most breath taking destinations.

The annual subscription is per user, in order to obtain relevant and personal analytics. A subscription holder will log in with their personal identification.

Subscriptions include access to a comprehensive experiences library on various categories including; managing emotions, amplifying productivity, developing leadership and cultivating mindfulness.

Updated experiences will be offered regularly. Headsets are not included, but the VRBrain™ is compatible with android and IOS processes. The subscription allows for On-Demand streaming, to support the user wherever and whenever they need it.

No. Each subscription includes access to the entire library of experiences and mediation practices, complete with breathtaking destinations.

New experiences and destinations will be offered regularly.

Yes, you can save your favorite experiences.

Yes, you can buy a VRBrain subscription for a friend however you want to make sure they have access to a VR headset.

Analytics - Coming Soon

Yes, all analytics are confidential. Employers will receive global notification but nothing that will pin point any particular user.

Make sure you log out out of each session.

We collect the following data:

1. Most popular experiences

2. Moods (before and after)

3. Least viewed experiences

We will provide all employers with general analytics reflecting how people feel when they log in versus how they feel when they have completed an experience.

Please Note: We do not supply individual employer results.